Know anyone who should serve on the Board?
NAWBO Orlando represents the voice of over 9,100 women business owners in the Orlando Metro area. We invite you to take part in this great opportunity to make a difference in the Orlando business community. This is your opportunity to nominate yourself or another exemplary NAWBO member to participate in our chapter leadership. (Nominees must be Members of NAWBO Orlando and will serve during the 2020 - 2021 year.)
Board roles include program planning, marketing and communications, treasury/finance management, secretary, membership, sponsorships, and general director.
What is expected of board members?
The new board members elected will attend an installation ceremony and assume their new roles from July 2020 through June 2021.
Board members are expected to:
Attend 11 board meetings and one full-day retreat. (Up to three of these meetings may be joined via conference call.)
Provide leadership in what they say and do for the chapter.
Inspire, encourage, and guide the chapter into fruitful areas of activity by creativity, word, and deed.
Support all board members by personally advocating, fundraising and making meaningful community relationships with businesses, organizations, and individuals that will give to our Chapter and Foundation.
Actively serve on at least one committee per year and support all programming.
Always be mindful of the NAWBO mission and vision:
Strengthening the wealth-creating capacity of our members and promoting economic development within the entrepreneurial community.
Creating innovative and effective change in the business culture.
Building strategic alliances, coalitions and affiliations.
Transforming public policy and influencing opinion makers.