Do you know how to use all the benefits of your NAWBO membership?
Join us for this fun, informative lunch & learn as we walk you through all the benefits of a NAWBO membership. Members and prospective members are welcome to attend to learn more about all of the things NAWBO offers.
We’ll cover everything from filling our your profile, to finding resources, to connecting with NAWBO members across the country. We’ll talk about NAWBO’s advocacy efforts and show you how to get involved. We’ll introduce you to the NAWBO Institute and the wealth of knowledge it contains.
Want to get your business certified? NAWBO has options for that as well.
There’s so much your NAWBO membership can do for you and your business. Are you using it to it's full potential?
Thinking about joining NAWBO? Take advantage of our Fall Membership Drive. Join us and learn more.
Members attend for free, non-members are $20. Includes lunch!