Enjoy wine, chocolate, and other women business owners at NAWBO’s annual Wine, Women & Chocolate event. (Need we say more?) For members, this event is always a great time to catch up with friends and hear the latest chapter news. For non-members, it’s a great opportunity to learn more about NAWBO Orlando and consider joining during our spring membership drive.
Hungry for more education about entrepreneurship and business success that day? Attend The Climb, an all-day women’s business conference hosted by the National Entrepreneur Center and SCORE Orlando. You’ll enjoy four presentations from dynamite speakers plus a panel of NAWBO members, lunch, a Vendor Marketplace, and the Wine, Women & Chocolate event to finish the day.
Register for The Climb 2022 conference and spend the day at the NEC, or just join us at 4 p.m. for Wine, Women & Chocolate.